B123 - Rhea
出生於 2024 年 12 月 6 日 12:06 GMT
Rhea 是天王星(天空之神)和蓋亞(地球)的女兒,她也成為第一代泰坦族群的其中一員。在早期的傳統中,Rhea 被稱為「眾神之母」,她的故事反映了母性、力量和反抗壓抑的主題。Rhea 和 Cronus 的夫妻關係在神話故事中都具有深遠的意義。Cronus 十分害怕 Rhea 的子女會在泰坦族超越他的權力,於是吞噬了他們的後代。不過,他們最小的兒子宙斯被 Rhea 的狡猾而得救:她欺騙 Cronus ,給他一塊像孩子一樣的石頭。於是宙斯就活了下來,推翻了他的父親並成為了眾神之王,實現了他的預言。
瓶子的檸檬黃色是善變的,代表快速的思維和清晰的心智。這跟土星的緩慢、深沉、深思熟慮形成強烈的對比,而土星的能量就在敍述 Rhea 的本質。作為土星衛星之一,冰衛星的 Rhea跟這瓶平衡油的數字學(密度為每立安公分 1.233克)具有深刻的共時性。在 Aura Soma,水象徵意識,Rhea 冰封的水象徵了所謂「冰封的意識」。這意味著這個瓶子為我們帶來覺醒和轉化,檸檬黃和寶藍色搖起來,我們得到綠色,一個跟 Rhea 很深的連結--她綠色的眼睛加上土星也是帶著綠色的能量的。
這個互動也反映了宙斯擊敗 Cronus,導致 Rhea 的孩子們出生,例如 Poseidon (海神波塞頓)和 Ceres(穀神 Demeter)。這個故事的開展跟瓶子想傳遞關於新地球誕生的信息不謀而合,新地球代表 Aura Soma 內在系統和我們對時間的理解有一個重大的改變。在寶藍色中,我們發現了紅色的能量(加上數字學1+2+3=6),引入了火元素,這個部分就跟 B47 不一樣。這個火元素代表了地球核心的力量和人類的意志。黃色代表個人意志,跟藍色的神聖意志形成對比。當人類過度以小我所驅動,跟神聖意志脫離時,地球的火元素會以火山爆發和地震來作出回應。這個看法跟最近世界在發生的天災互相呼應,例如冰島的火山爆發帶來了重大的變動。這些地球上的變動也反映了地球在捍衛自己,挑戰人類意志中的不協調。隨著新紀元的來臨,這些變動驅使人類校對到更高的生命目的。超越自我中心的物質意圖,慢慢走到集體意識的轉化。此瓶子的誕生壓縮了整個過程,提醒我們隨著新時代的來臨,在自我意志和神聖意志之間作出平衡,它要求我們做別人要求我們做的事,而不是我個人想做的事。數字 123 跟新開始有關,也再一次確定一切事情都按著計劃進行,這瓶平衡油送給我們的禮物是數字6的愛(1+2+3=6)
在 Rhea 之內,我們也發現了她跟 B8 阿努比斯很大的關聯,數字 8 在 Aura Soma 有著特殊的意義,跟 Rhea 一樣,它的顏色跟系統中所有顏色的瓶子相關。黃色和藍色是基本的顏色--所以我們可以說所有其他瓶子都是源自黃色和藍色的組合。在人類死後被審判決定投胎到其他世界時,阿努比斯利用羽毛去量度人類心臟的重量。在我們重生和靈魂旅程的發展中,對過去的回憶也反映在 B47 老靈魂的瓶子中。
從 2019 年 B116 精靈皇后的誕生就開始了接下來的「自然系列」。在這個系列中,我們被提醒自然界的神靈是值得被尊重,值得被承認,這個時候也有必要將其復活。我們大部分人心中也有強烈的呼喚回歸自然,因為我們都在尋找另類的自然知識和更專注在自然療法以及尋找更深刻和同樣理念的社群。我們的實相都在發生根本性的變化了,一個新時代也慢慢誕生。我們正進入一個時代,把我們的重點由質疑自己的本質和存有,走到全然擁抱自己的一切,不再依靠任何外在的信念和肯定,透過相信我們的內在之星,我們有足夠的知識和智慧,我們已準備好接納這一切。近年,明顯地,過多的資訊為我們帶來壓力和憂鬱,而我們正進入一個時代,意識的提升允許我們重獲喜悅因為我們都變得更合一和團結了。
這也與占星學呼應著,在 12 月 6 日星期五,金星走到水瓶座,提醒我們感恩並慶祝我們所揀選的家庭和自身的社群。這容許關係中開展一個新週期,注重寶藍色心智的連結,和檸檬黃的自由。加上,新月在人馬座,這意味著能量轉到充滿冒險的旅程和對生命的樂觀態度,這些都能在檸檬黃的能量和寶藍色關於意識的擴展體現出來。
Mike Booth
/Aura Soma Intro Talk /Aura Soma Session - 不定期開放預約,請登記Waitlist得到第一手資訊
Original Information from Mike Booth, our principal of Aura Soma
<B123 - Rhea>
Lemon Yellow / Royal Blue
Born December 06th 2024 at 12:06pm GMT
First Thoughts
Rhea was the daughter of Uranus (the sky) and Gaia (the earth), making her one of the first generation of Titans. In early traditions Rhea was known as 'the Mother of the Gods', her story reflects themes of motherhood, power, and resistance against oppression. The relationship between Rhea and Cronus as husband and wife also holds profound significance in mythology. Cronus, deeply fearful that Rhea's children would surpass him in power among the Titans, swallowed their offspring. However, their youngest son Zeus was saved by Rhea's cunning: she tricked Cronus by giving him a stone wrapped as a child. Zeus lived to fulfil his prophecy by overthrowing his father and becoming King of the Gods.
The Lemon Yellow in the bottle is mercurial, representing rapid thought and clarity of intellect. This stands in contrast to Saturn's slower, deeper, more deliberate energy, which is intrinsic to Rhea's narrative. As one of Saturn's moons, the ice moon, Rhea, has a profound synchronicity with this Equilibrium bottle's numeric representation (with a density of 1.233 grams per cubic centimetre). In Aura-Soma, water symbolises consciousness, and the frozen water on Rhea connects to the concept of "frozen consciousness." This idea harmonizes with the bottle's themes of awakening and transformation, shaking Lemon Yellow with Royal Blue we get Green, a colour deeply tied to Rhea - symbolized by her green eyes and Saturn's associated green energy.
This interplay also reflects the defeat of Cronus by Zeus, leading to the emergence of Rhea's children, like Poseidon and Ceres (or Demeter). The unfolding of this story parallels the bottle's message of birthing a New Earth, representing a significant shift within the Aura-Soma system and our understanding of time. The red in this bottle, found in the Royal Blue, (and 1+2+3=6) introduces the fire element, which distinguishes it from Bottle 47. This fire represents the Earth's core energy and humanity's willpower. Yellow, signifying personal will, contrasts with the higher divine will within the Blue. When humanity's will becomes overly ego-driven, disconnected from the higher will, the fire element within the Earth responds, surfacing through volcanic and seismic activity.
This connection is evident in recent natural events, such as volcanic eruptions in Iceland, signalling a profound shift. These Earth changes reflect the New Earth asserting itself, challenging the misalignment of human will. As the New Aeon dawns, these shifts urge humanity to align with a higher purpose, moving beyond self-centred materialism toward collective transformation. The birth of this bottle encapsulates this dynamic process, reminding us of the balance between human will and divine intention as we navigate this new era, it calls us to do what it is that's asked of us, rather than what it is that we would do of ourselves.
The number 123 is about new beginnings and offers assurance that everything is going to plan, this Equilbrium gifts us the energy for love seen in the 6 (1+2+3=6).
Within Rhea there is a strong association with Equilbrium 8 'Anubis'. The numerology of the 8 has particular significance for Aura-Soma and as with Rhea its colours relate to every other bottle the system. Yellow and Blue are the Primary Primarys – so we could say every other bottle derives from this combination of yellow and blue. Anubis used feathers to measure the weight of the heart against the departing soul as it transitions to the other worlds. This remembrance of the past as we become reborn and development of the journey of the soul is mirrored in Equilbrium 47 'The Old Soul'.
In 2019 Equilibrium 116 known as 'Queen Mab' began a sequence that is now recognised as the Nature Series. Within this sequence we are always reminded that the spirit in nature is something to be revered, something to be acknowledged and at this time the necessity for it to be resurrected. Many of us are feeling the need to reconnect with nature as we seek knowledge from alternate sources and focus natural wholistic health and deep meaningful relationships from likeminded individuals and communities. Our reality is fundamentally changing, and a new era is emerging. We are entering a time where our emphasis shifts away from questioning our identity and existence, to embracing ourselves whole, free from the need to rely on external beliefs or validations, we are ready to accept that through trusting the star within we have the knowledge and wisdom ourselves. In recent times it is clear that the ready availability of excessive information leads to stress and depression, and we are entering a time where the increased consciousness is enabling us all to regain our joy as we become more unified and interconnected.
This is echoed Astrologically, on Friday, December 6th Venus enters Aquarius, reminding us to be thankful for and celebrate our chosen families, our own personal communities. This allows for a new cycle in relationships to begin, focussing on intellectual connection, seen in the royal blue and freedom as in the lemon yellow. Also, with the new moon in Sagittarius there's a shift to adventure and optimism, again we can see these themes in the lemon yellow and expansive thinking, with the royal blue.
With Love and Light
Mike Booth
/Aura Soma Session - only open for waitlist, please register to get updates when the door is opened.