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B122 - Poseidon

Writer's picture: Kaur Satya ShantiKaur Satya Shanti


翻譯:Satya Shanti Dimas

B122 - 海神 Poseidon

鮮紫紅色 / 青檸綠色

出生於 2022 年 12 月 14 日 正午 12 時 GMT


我真的很想藉此機會歡迎海神進入 Aura Soma 的系統中,此時此刻加入我們,海神的存有是一份非常好的禮物。

海神為我們帶來機會真正關顧我們,盡全力愛上自己的全部,也給予我們機會和能力放手,將不適用自己的都能夠放下,那些已過時和不可接受的聯繫,我們是時候向前走,以及盡我們所能,建立一個更能支持和協助自己的聯繫。海神也讓我們有能力接受改變,以無條件的愛、慈悲和關愛地看待轉變。上層是全新和以往從未出現過的鮮紫紅色,現在卻跟另一個新顏色青檸綠色連結上。這些顏色提醒我們過往的艱辛,我們面對舊模式的時間,我們需要重新檢視和來自神聖的愛的支持,因而我們才懂得將愛帶入生命中任何大小二事。小事中的關懷和溫暖意味著建立光體的實踐,並進一步促進正在發生的啟動。十一月在京都舉行的課程—光體的啟動 (Activation of the Light Body),是海神出生很重要的先兆。光體的啟動所發生的反應和潛在的能量也是「放手」或「脫離」從前已存在人事物的一部分。

在 2020 年 12 月 14 日,穀神 Ceres (B119) 的到來提醒了我有很多的共時性。因為飛馬農場 Shire Farm 在生活機能學協會的鑒證名為狄蜜特 (Demeter 也是穀神 Ceres 的別稱) 認證,穀神 Ceres 在 Aura Soma 的核心有著很緊密的關係。作為 12 位古希臘神之一的海神 Poseidon 就是狄蜜特 Demeter (穀神 Ceres) 的哥哥。海神跟馬有聯系,因為他以馬的形象出現在希臘阿卡迪亞 (Arcadia),受到人們的景仰,同樣有趣的是,他被認為是飛馬座的父親。作為 Vicky 其中一個喜愛的象徵,飛馬座與 Aura Soma 有著長期的聯系,神聖的飛馬正正就是飛馬農場 Shire Farm 的商標,也是 Aura Soma 香水系列的名稱。在 Aura Soma 中,飛馬座代表在對的地方,對的時候做著對的事情的感覺,這種連結看起來更貼近我們即將進入第五次元的實相,而共時性的出現就是地球和我們自身維度能量變化的一部分。

我們正面對著地球發生變化,並在希臘萬神殿中被稱為「地球搖晃者」的年代,海神 Poseidon 跟地震及地緣和因地震而引起的活動有關。十分有趣的是,海神 Poseidon 跟隨著冥王神 Pluton (B121) 來到 Aura Soma,因為兩者都帶著世界存在紛亂的意義。跟冥王神 Pluton 不同的是,海神 Poseidon 可以帶著風暴一樣的不穩定,有時空洞和高深莫測的,就像深海一般,但又可以十分安定和穩固。最近世界也呈現了水能夠在不平常的地方成為催化劑,就像最近在沙地阿拉伯發生史無前例的水浸一樣。我是十分有共鳴,超過 30 年的歲月,我是如此熱愛水、水的能量、水的幾何和水跟聲音的關係。隨著海神的到來,我相信 Aura Soma 正運用的水系統將會在能量層級發生重大的變動,以及為什麼每一個瓶子都包含著新的能量,它正在發生與整個光體相關的事情。

海神 Poseidon (羅馬神話中的海王星) 也有另一個意義,隨著海神的到來,在 2022 年 12 月 3 日海王星也開始順行,這也鼓勵我們更了解在追尋什麼夢想,讓夢想變得更有效,亦幫助我們破解夢境中所發生的事情。就我們的夢想及將夢想變為真實而言,我們可以堅守的是什麼。

「把夢想想成你想要的樣子。」是 Vicky Wall 的名句。我記得第一次聽見她說此話的時候就是她首次向我展示那個黃銅的飛馬像,此黃銅像現在就放在 Dev Aura 演講廳的紫晶洞內。

此時此刻的共時性以及我們即將邁進 12 月 21 日的冬至,這天是一個重置的時間點,關於我們走過多少路,加上即將踏入 Aura Soma 的 40 週年,我們又想往哪一個方向走。海神 Poseidon 為我們內在裝備好「我是」( B40 的名字),裝備我們成為不偏不倚的觀察者,讓我們更中正地、不帶批判地觀照自己,整合內在不同的部分。這份覺知見證了我們舞台上發生的一切,海神 Poseidon 率先的到來,集中「我是誰」也是其中一部分,因為我們即將穿過冬至的大門邁向 2023 年了。


Mike Booth

Original Letter from Milk Booth


B122 - Bright Magenta / Lime Green

Born December 14th at 12:00 pm GMT

First Thoughts

I'd really like to take this opportunity to welcome Poseidon into the system of Aura-Soma. It is an immense gift to have the presence of Poseidon joining the system at this point in time.

Poseidon gives us the opportunity to really care for ourselves, to love ourselves as completely as is possible, giving us the opportunity and the ability to let go of that which no longer serves us, the outdated and unacceptable ways of relating, that it's time to move on and to establish a way of relating that's more helpful and more supportive, and the best that we can be. Poseidon also gives an ability to accept change and to see this through the eyes of unconditional love, compassion, and caring. The bright Magenta introduced here is a colour that's not previously been in the system and now it is linked to the other new colour, the Lime green. Through these colours we are reminded that in times of difficulty, in times when we face the patterns of the past, we need to re-evaluate and we need the intense support of the love from above as it is that we practice putting the love into whatever it is that we do. The caring and the warmth in the small things means the practice of building the light body and further contributing to the beginnings of the activation that is in the midst of taking place. The course that was held in November in Kyoto, the ‘Activation of the Light Body’ was an important precursor to the birth of Poseidon. The response and the energy of the potential for the activation to come about was also part of something that was a ‘letting go’ or a ‘falling away’ of that which has previously been.

I am reminded of many synchronicities with the arrival of Ceres on 14th December 2020. As the accreditation for Shire Farm through the biodynamic association is known as a Demeter certification, Ceres has a close proximity to the heart of the Aura-Soma ethos. As one of the twelve Olympians of Ancient Greece Poseidon is a brother of Demeter (Ceres). Poseidon has a connection with the horse, appearing as a horse in Arcadia he was venerated, it's also interesting to note that he was attributed to be the father of Pegasus. As one of Vicky's favourite symbols for synchronicity there is a longstanding connection in Aura-Soma with Pegasus, the divine winged horse that is the logo for Shire Farm and the name of Aura-Soma’s perfume range. Within Aura-Soma Pegasus is representative of that sense of being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing, this connection seems particularly appropriate as we come closer to entering a fifth dimensional reality, where synchronicity is part of the symptomatic structure of that change in dimensional energy both on the Earth and within ourselves.

We're facing a time when Earth changes are really taking place and known within the Greek pantheon as the ‘Earth Shaker’, Poseidon has a connection with earthquakes and geopathic and seismic activity. It is interesting for him to be following Pluton in the unfoldment of Aura-Soma as both have a noteworthy connection with an expression of conflicts in the world. A very different kind of God to Pluton, Poseidon can be one that's stormy and inconsistent, sometimes seen as vain or unfathomable rather like the depths of the oceans, which can also be very assuring, and constant. There have been many instances in recent times where water has been cataclysmic in unusual places, as with the unprecedented floods in Saudi Arabia. This resonates with me, I've had an obsession for more than 30 years with water, the energies of water, the geometries of water and the sound relationship with water. With Poseidon, I think that the water systems that we work with in Aura-Soma are undergoing a quantum shift in relation to energetic phenomena and how it is that every bottle contains something of the new activation of what it is that's occurring in relation to the whole of the light body.

There is a synonymity between Poseidon (Neptune in Roman mythology), arriving with us in the wake of the planet Neptune going direct on the third of December 2022 and in so doing encouraging us to be more aware of what it is that we dream, to have our dreams become more effective, helping us to decipher what it is that occurs in our dream state. What it is that we could hold on to in terms of our dreams and the way in which our dreams come into reality. "Dream it as you would like it to be", was a quote from Vicky Wall. I remember the first time that I heard her utter that gift in words was when she first showed me the brass Pegasus that now lives in the lecture room at Dev Aura in an amethyst cave.

The synchronicity of where we are now in time and how it is that we also approach the winter solstice, 21st December, is a time for a big reset in relation to where we've been and where it is that we're going to be in the 40th year anniversary of Aura-Soma being in the world. Poseidon prepares us for the 'I Am' within ourselves, prepares us for the impartial observer, that's central within ourselves to be able to see without judgement the different parts of ourselves that need integration. That consciousness of itself, witnesses all that takes place on the stage of ourselves and that centralization of the 'I am' is part of what it is that Poseidon pre-empts for us, as we move towards 2023 through the doors of the solstice.

With Love and Light

Mike Booth

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