Kaur Satya Shanti4 days ago6 min冥王在山羊的最後兩個月 | Pluto in Capricorn for final 2 months9月2日起冥王星將會再次回到山羊座 而這次將會在我們約200年來最後一次在山羊座了 兩個月後就會正式進入水瓶座邁向新紀元 山羊座跟架構、規則、事業、體系、牢固的系統有關, 在最後的兩個月我覺得都在考驗每一個人學習放下舊有、固有的東西或信念,...
Kaur Satya ShantiJun 265 min恆持鍛鍊 Kundalini Yoga 十分支持以下 4 類人 | Kundalini Yoga supports these 4 types of people(CN/EN) 我一直認為 Kundalini Yoga 這個十分罕有又不流行的瑜伽,我們能遇上它真是一種緣份。 在 5 年的教學中,我發現恆持練習 Kundalini Yoga 十分支持以下 4 類人。 1)創業或自僱人士...
Kaur Satya ShantiMar 254 minIf you have been told you are Spontaneous, you are more than that. 如果你被批評做事三分鐘熱度⋯If you visit my working space, you will find loads of paper on the floor and different projects are going on. I am handling 1 million...
Kaur Satya ShantiFeb 284 minIf you want Work-life balance, read this.My version of work-life balance in my 20s was working hard for 11 months and sit and breathe in the UK for 1 month without doing...
Kaur Satya ShantiFeb 163 minBusiness AlignmentI've got 1 retail order valued ~£1000 during Flash Sale in Jan. It's rare for me and this brings me to reflect. There are different...
Kaur Satya ShantiFeb 34 minRise above AlgorithmI won’t create my content to fulfill #Algorithms anymore. I have attended a bunch of marketing courses, implemented it on my own and...