Hong Kong regular Kundalini Yoga class is taking a break for self-integration this Winter.
If you need further support from me, please book an online Private Class with me.
There would be 4% Administration fee for less than HKD1000 per transaction by card payment.

Welcome to
Satya Shanti Temple
Be with our truth and Live out our light
Welcome to Satya Shanti Temple, a sacred space here for you to explore yourself.
Satya Shanti Kaur is my Spiritual name and it has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my loyal readers.
Read on, and enjoy.
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About Me
Hi, I am Satya!
A Kundalini Yoga teacher & Aura Soma Registered Practitioner
I found Satya Shanti Temple is to assist you to re-write your Subconscious Pattern through regulating your Nervous System and resolving Emotions so you can create your ideal life.
For years, I have served as a useful source for those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it.

Janet, Hong Kong
Satya is a teacher, I felt that she was a loving companion that walked alongside us every step of the way. I’m grateful that universe sent me her way and I’ll definitely be joining more of her workshops!

Maggie, Hong Kong
Heightened awareness and uncovering of tendencies.
I enjoyed the Aura-Soma Golden Thread session and I am looking forward to using the products.

Leesoo, Korea
I'm happy with using Aura-Soma bottles that reflect me in daily life and the golden thread definitely has supported me a lot to be closer with Aura-Soma!